Prizm Content Connect
Feature Overview

Light Weight Flash Viewer

The Prizm Content Connect Flash Viewer is designed to work with SWF data generated by the server. This process allows for content that contains vector textual information, such as Word documents and PDF files, to maintain their text content when being displayed in the viewer.  The user is then able to interact with the information to create annotations and redactions or to move content to the Clipboard for use in another window or application.

Designed, tested and verified for compatibility with all modern browser environments on several different platforms. The AJAX-based document viewer only requires the Flash 9.0 plugin to be installed and JavaScript enabled in a browser, of your choice, for it to display your content.

Zero-Footprint HTML5 Viewer

As part of the Prizm Content Connect 6 release the Zero-Footprint Viewer was replaced with a more robust HTML5-based Viewer. The new HTML5 Viewer includes some new functionality previously only available in the Flash Client. 

The Zero-Footprint HTML5 Viewer does not require any plug-ins in order to function; instead the viewer relies solely on the functionality built into your web browser. The HTML5 Viewer does rely on several standards and technologies not available in all web browsers on all platforms.  Please refer to the System Requirements to get a full list of tested and supported platforms and web browsers.

Built on the Prizm Content Connect back-end, the HTML5 Viewer can display all of the content formats supported by the Flash Viewer. Adding Annotation, Redaction and Display control features to the Zero-Footprint HTML5 Viewer brings it in line with the features available in the Flash Viewer.

Support for More than 300 Document Types

Support for viewing more than 300 document types, including Microsoft Office 2007/2010 documents (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx), Office 2000 (.doc, .xls, .ppt), Open Office (.odt, .sxw, ..ods, sxc, .odp, .sxi, .odg), Images (.jpg, .bmp, .png, .gif, .tiff), and Adobe PDF.
For a complete list of supported formats please refer to the Accusoft web site:

Document Search Capabilities

The ability to search the text content of a document is built into the Flash Viewer. The viewer allows for keyword and phrase searching where hits are highlighted throughout the entire file. Search results can even be preloaded when the document loads into the viewer window using a simple API call. This allows for integrators to pass the search criteria from the content management system into the viewer, saving users time by not having to perform duplicate searches. 

No Need to Install Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, or Adobe Software

All conversion, rendering and display of documents is done within the server. There is no need for Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, or any other additional software licenses or downloads.

Content Markup (Annotation) Functionality

Prizm Content Connect Plus includes annotation tools to allow easy review, collaboration, annotation and markup capabilities right in the viewer. With an intuitive interface for document viewing and markup, you can streamline the review and approval process, reduce decision-making time, and increase collaboration for your users.

Annotation controls allow you to markup and collaborate on any of the more than 300 document types supported by Prizm Content Connect. View, markup and annotate all at the same time, all in one place. Using the Review tab, each user can add their own annotations. Users can also open other users annotations, which are stored as separate XML files associated with the original document, allowing the original files to be preserved to help you maintain regulatory compliance. Prizm Content Connect Plus easily integrates with any type of application: Content Management System (CMS), Project Management Solution, as well as Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Business Process Management (BPM) systems, adding document review workflow capabilities to your existing infrastructure.

Digital Rights Management

Prizm Content Connect's Digital Rights Management feature allows you to protect sensitive information in documents by disabling end user controls. Locking user functionality to prevent printing, saving, copying or downloading from the document or any part of the document is easy using the Prizm Content Connect API. Adding digital rights management to a document renders the document as view-only, and also allows you to customize navigation as well as enforcing version control parameters within a work group, across departments, and with partners and suppliers, even outside your firewall.

Digital Rights Management permissions preserve your original document, since they are not stored in the document itself, which is important to help you retain regulatory compliance. If your business needs change, it's easy to dynamically change or revoke access to users.

Prizm Content Connect with Digital Rights Management provides a more productive and secure user experience, with faster conversion and download times across even the highest-volume distributed file sharing environments.

International Localization Support

View documents written in any language such as Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Urdu, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish and Korean. Use Prizm Content Connect Plus in conjunction with a translation partner, such as Google Translate, to provide real-time, in-line translation of documents into any supported language. You can also localize tooltips and text in the viewer using simple API calls and template definitions.

See Also



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